I have known for almost all my adult life that I had an aunt that no one wanted to talk about. So on a recent trip to Egypt I was on a mission to find out what happened to her.Read now
Kids with Autism + Toys R Us = Massive win!
Read nowToys R Us held a special one hour event for kids with autism on Sunday 6Th November. It was designed to give kids the chance to play freely in stress-free environment. Here’s our report.
Have you had to cope with a child who is in chronic pain?
Susanne shares with us what daily life is like when your child is in chronic pain and can’t tell you why. During the past 4 years Susanne has had no more than 3 hours sleep at any one time and can’t remember what life feels like without sleep deprivation. “I’ll let you know once I’m over it”, she says.
1,100 WONSIE garments donated to Palestinian children!!!
SpecialKids.Company is excited about its recent international contribution to children in need. We were able to facilitate the donation of 1,100 Wonsie bodysuits to children of special needs in Palestine. The chosen charity for the donation was ABCD - Action around Bethlehem Children with Disability.