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Benefits of Sensory Chew Toys for Kids

Benefits of Sensory Chew Toys for Kids

Many children with special needs have sensory processing dysfunction, which can result in both strong sensory interests and/or sensory aversions. For example, a child might be over-sensitive or under-sensitive to some sounds, sights, smells or even textures.

Every child’s sensory needs are different and unique. Some sensory differences are positive and enjoyable for children and some can cause them to feel discomfort and be upset. As a result, it’s important to try and identify your child’s sensory differences, especially if they are unable to tell you. They can have a big impact on their day-to-day life.

Children with autism and other special educational needs often need oral sensory input and they satisfy this need by chewing. If this sounds like your child, it’s important to let them chew if they need to and not try to stop them. There are lots of benefits to chewing for children who need this sensory input and a good way to manage this is by using chewies.

sensory, chew toys, chewies, kids, stress, anxiety,

Here are 5 benefits of sensory chewies for children:

  1. Chewies help to reduce stress and anxiety:  This is common in children, especially those who have autism. Regular chewing can help your child manage those feelings and improve their mood.
  2. Help to improve focus and concentration: for children both at home and in school.
  3. Enable children to self-sooth and self-regulate: In turn this can improve behaviour and reduce meltdowns and feelings of frustration, overwhelm and boredom.
  4. Encourage your child to have healthy and safe chewing behaviours: instead of chewing inappropriate or unsafe objects. Chewing random objects can be dangerous and chewing clothes can make your child feel uncomfortable as their clothes become wet - as well as damaging the clothes that they are wearing.
  5. Help to improve a child’s oral motor skills and facial muscles: as well as strengthening tongue coordination. This can lead to improvements in speech, eating and drinking.

At SpecialKids Company we understand that introducing chewies to special needs children who like to chew is a positive move. They can be a great addition to your child’s sensory diet. We are pleased to offer our customers brilliant chewie products created by the one and only Chewigem. Created by parents of children with multiple diagnoses, Chewigem created sensory chew toys that are fun, functional, safe and discreet. There are various chewie styles available to buy, from necklaces and bracelets to ones that your child can put in their pocket and simply take out when they need it. These chewies for sensory processing disorder are recommended by many health professionals, including Occupational Therapists and SENCOs.

What are you waiting for? Go and check them out!

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