Children with autism can be prone to wandering and having no danger awareness, which can be terrifying for parents. In this blog, SpecialKids Company will give you some tips on how to prevent this from happening.
There’s that saying, ‘It’s as easy as riding a bike’ - except riding a bike doesn’t come easy to everybody. In fact, it can be quite complicated and difficult because riding a bike takes several skills. There are several reasons a child with autism may find it difficult to ride a bike. From poor motor and balancing skills and difficulty understanding instructions to inability to sense danger, difficulty steering and anxiety.
Lots of children with autism lack danger awareness and quite frankly, that can be terrifying. It means that they are vulnerable and at risk of injuring themselves. They can also be over and under-sensitive to smells, textures and sounds, impacting their ability to process information. When near traffic, this can be dangerous as it can be distracting and overwhelming. All of this means that teaching autistic children road safety is paramount. In this blog, we will discuss how to reach road safety for children with autism.