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  • What reasonable adjustments can I ask for an autistic child?
    May 15, 2024 SpecialKids .Company

    What reasonable adjustments can I ask for an autistic child?

    Knowing your rights and your child’s rights, particularly when they have special educational support needs (SEND), is important to ensure that they have all the necessary support to help them at school. Reasonable adjustments are changes that are made for children with SEND to ensure that they are supported and not disadvantaged at all compared to other children. The Equality Act (2010) supports this.
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  • Are iPads and tablets helpful for children with autism?
    October 9, 2023 SpecialKids .Company

    Are iPads and tablets helpful for children with autism?

    iPads and tablets can be a source of unnecessary guilt for many parents. Lots of children with autism use these devices a lot and may have a lot of screen time, which can sometimes be frowned upon by those who think that they know better. But should you feel guilty about your child being attached to their device?
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  • young boy playing in garden with toy cars
    June 19, 2023 SpecialKids .Company

    Fun Indoor Activity Ideas for Children with Autism

    Sometimes it can be difficult to think of activities to do with your children in the house that will not only keep them engaged but be fun and stimulating too. This can be particularly true if you are the parent to a child with autism. You need to factor in different things like sensory needs, fine and gross motor skills, communication and cognitive skills. In this blog, SpecialKids Company will list some indoor activities that you and your child might find fun to do together.
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    January 25, 2022 Ashleigh Richardson

    Best books for special needs toddlers

    Reading to your child is a wonderful thing. It has so many benefits such as helping to improve your parent-child bond, support their cognitive development, improve vocabulary, develop their imagination and help concentration levels. Regardless of your child’s ability, it is important to read to them.
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