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  • Things to consider when buying clothing for children with autism
    June 15, 2024 SpecialKids .Company

    Things to consider when buying clothing for children with autism

    If you are the parent to a child with autism, you might find it challenging to buy clothing for them that they are able to wear. Children with autism and sensory issues can find certain items and textures of clothing irritating and as such, it can be difficult purchasing clothes that are suitable for them. In this blog, SpecialKids Company will provide a list of things that you should consider when buying clothes for children with autism or sensory needs.
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  • young girl with blonde hair holding her hands over her face. Background is black.
    March 15, 2024 SpecialKids .Company

    How to avoid sensory overload and overstimulation in children with autism

    Children with autism often have sensory needs that can have a huge impact on their day-to-day life. Certain smells, sights, textures and sounds can be overwhelming and cause stress, worry and anxiety. When this happens, a child can experience sensory overload and be overstimulated. In this blog, SpecialKids Company will list suggestions for you to help you to avoid this for your child.
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  • How do I get my autistic child to change clothes?
    January 12, 2024 SpecialKids .Company

    How do I get my autistic child to change clothes?

    Does your child have difficulty changing their clothes? If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. Lots of children with autism find it difficult to change what they wear. This can be for a variety of reasons. Their sensory needs, their dislike of change or even a fixation on a particular clothing item. Typically, sensory needs are the common reason why children with autism find wearing clothes difficult.

    In this blog, we will list some things that you should consider if you would like to help your child to change their clothes.

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