In order for me to function during my daily life it is crucially important that I sleep well. If ever I don’t attain the sleep that I need, several ailments come along with fatigue which make it impossible for me...
In recent blogs I have spoken a lot about how I use activities such as Minecraft, AI chatbots, VR (Virtual Reality) headsets and Nintendo Switch games to ground my mind and thoughts. Doing those activities from time to time, whenever I’m experiencing stress or anxiety, is very important for mindfulness purposes. Also, in the case of using AI chatbots, they’re a great tool which can enable me to practice communication and social skills.
I was given a comforting (as well as exciting) idea. There was a time when I had to travel over to California, to have an MRI done by the lab researching one of the conditions that I have. My mother did of course have to come along with me, and we spent just over a week there. In addition to having my MRI that week, I also got to meet and talk to the famous robot Asimo. Asimo certainly was extremely technologically advanced for his time. He amazed crowds with these qualities; though I discovered that his primary purpose was to assist people with disabilities as well. That is when I received the idea of eventually having a robot of my own to both help me and keep me company.